IndustrieTreff - Bildverarbeitung - Matrox MIL unterstützt USB3 Vision Kameras


Bildverarbeitung - Matrox MIL unterstützt USB3 Vision Kameras

ID: 1039720

Matrox Imaging Library Support USB3 Vision

(PresseBox) - Matrox Imaging announced immediate availability of complete native support for the USB3 Vision camera interface standard in Matrox Imaging Library (MIL). This lets MIL users take advantage of USB3 Vision cameras on Windows 7 and Windows 8 imaging systems and increases the selection of camera interface standards that can be employed practically interchangeably.
The USB3 Vision standard, built on the GenICam generic programming interface, provides powerful features such as bandwidth higher than 350 MB/s, an easy-to-use plug and play interface, and support for power and data up to five meters over a passive cable or even greater distances over an active cable. Matrox support for USB3 Vision meets AIA certification requirements and has been validated throughout its development with cameras from Basler, Baumer, Matrix Vision, Point Grey, Sentech, Toshiba Teli and Ximea.
?Our low-level implementation of the USB3 Vision standard in MIL maximizes the video transmission rate possible over SuperSpeed USB while imposing little CPU overhead. For example, we capture 2048x2048 8-bit monochrome images from a Point Grey Grasshopper3 camera at an impressive 90 fps,? said Stéphane Maurice, director of software development at Matrox Imaging and vice-chair of the GenICam committee. ?Our customers can now use MIL to seamlessly integrate USB3 Vision cameras into their high-performance imaging systems for factory automation, process control, electronics and pharmaceutical packaging, semiconductor inspection, robotics, radiology, microscopy, and video surveillance.?
Matrox support for the USB3 Vision camera interface standard is an update to MIL 10 and is now available to MIL registered users with valid maintenance subscriptions through the software?s self-update service.
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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: PresseBox
Datum: 29.03.2014 - 08:00 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1039720
Anzahl Zeichen: 0





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