IndustrieTreff - Conto Energia 5 makes registration obligatory for small systems too


Conto Energia 5 makes registration obligatory for small systems too

ID: 682903

(PresseBox) - The minister?s signature and subsequent publication in the official journal sees Conto Energia 5, a new law affecting feed-in-tariffs in Italy take effect. The funds put aside for the entire year in the previous Conto Energia have already been utilized to the full and the Italian government is making a further 700 million Euro available for photovoltaic systems. Cause for concern that the coffers may already empty in the current transition phase has been voiced as registration obligations have been extended to include small systems too.
According to Italian grid operators the funds set aside for the entire year were already exhausted by mid-July and remuneration for photovoltaic systems reached the six billion Euro mark. Now the signing of the fifth Conto Energia and its publication in the official journal sees the new law take effect. Yet the full implementation of the new feed-in-tariff was to occur 45 days after the funding limit of 6 billion Euro determined in Conto Energia 4 had been reached. This was the case on July 12.
The new tariffs and conditions of the Conto Energia 5 are now valid from August 27. The Conto Energia 4 is only applicable until the end of the year for systems on public buildings and land. A complete listing of the tariffs can be found here (page 32 and onwards):
The particularity in Italy can be found in the obligation for photovoltaic systems to register which has been extended to include smaller systems. The government has made a further 700 million Euro available for the remuneration of solar electricity. Realistically speaking this is not only similar to an artificial limitation of the market but also, according to industry experts, induces further costs of up to 3 Euro per kW. In fact industry pundits already calculated that the newly introduced sum of 700 million will not even suffice for ?registered? systems in the transition phase which lasts until the end of August.

The new regulations set down stricter registration obligations. Exceptions have been made for systems up to 50 kW when a roof has been completely decontaminated of asbestos, systems up to 12 kW and systems between 12 and 20 kW if these relinquish 20% of their remuneration. Public sector systems as well as innovative technologies that do not surpass funding of 50 million Euro have also been excluded.
All other systems must register and are only entitled to the funding volume defined in the register. Funding has been officially divided into several tranches: The first register with 140 million euro is available for 6 months following its introduction (until 26.02.2013), the second register of 120 million euro is then for the following six months. All other tranches are then released in installments of 80 million Euro until the entire sum set aside has been paid out.
Before a final decision can be made many months could pass. The industry, its employees and investors now face a long wait while the process takes its course and become problematic for the stricken German solar industry.
This step is a conscious decision on the part of the government to steer and favor the installation of very small decentralized systems and photovoltaic systems installed in the course of a building?s re-roofing. Open space is now only viable on ?public property? or, in line with Conto Energia 4, if they assume operation before September 21, 2012. The coming weeks will show whether or not the Conto Energia ?coffers? really empty before the official start or if the governments intentions actually bear fruit.

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EuPD Research is a market and opinion researcher for media and companies. As a full-service provider with a highly specialized interview center, we offer a wide range of quantitative and qualitative research services. We create market studies, sector reports, and business climate indices and use this information to develop target-oriented decision support for our customers. In the process, we draw upon an expert network of scientists, decision makers and media representatives.


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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: PresseBox
Datum: 18.07.2012 - 11:54 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 682903
Anzahl Zeichen: 0







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